Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blessed Stress Test Fest 2000

Themes for this day, today:

Are Subaru Outbacks made in Oregon? Are they made with trees? Is there some Oregon tax incentive to purchase one? Not a theme per se, but if the movie of Oregon were playing, the Outback would be some sort of motif.

Motif. Motive. Molotov.

Somewhere in that 3 am lull I had come up with something even more clever than the past perfect tense...but, I lost it. It had something to do with tractors.

Here's some things: this story, the latest called "Additional Results"

Here's some older ones:
"Level Up"
"The Magnus Effect"
"Wednesday's Truck"

It seems some of the places where the others were published are now defunct. Such is the life of the internets.

Speaking of stories, I will now dig some up and work on them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More Bookmarks

Well, time for more links that I will look upon later and laugh and linger on long thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow.

And why not, here's one more

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Brain is No Longer Wearing A Bra

Themes for this moment, this day, any day, every day... Repeat.

Just an FYI, ketchup and coffee cake are not good together. Stuffed and burger are great together. Stuffed food in general is a good idea, I think. Or maybe I'm joking, not sure. Pizza Hut has a pizza with a crust that is stuffed with a pizza. Meta pizza, think it's called.


Weather talk raining down all around me while I think of guacamole and salsa, non sequiturs and taquitos. Okay, not taquitos, not really.

I turned in the paperwork for a passport today. This probably wouldn't be big news for most, but for me who has had a difficult time with my ever elusive birth certificate, phobias of paperwork and forms, and general avoidance of places that always have long lines, this is a big step. Also, it's been on my yearly goals list for about thirteen years. So, yeah. GOAL, is what I'll say when it finally arrives. I'll probably use it to go to Canada or something. Nothing against Canada, per se, but it is the Faygo cola of countries.