Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Label This

Themes for the day:

Although there have been many victories, the ants cling to life and probably cling to something dead, thus...more raid is necessary-- for all. (That's a little pun-ish (or should it be pun-esque, maybe pun-like, pun-y) joke about the ants raiding the house and me using more of the ant killer made by the Raid brand.)

Today is a big day, see, I'm drinking coffee out of a DIFFERENT mug today. Huge. Well, the mug is normal size, but it's not my usual coffee mug, so, yeah. Also it will be nice if I get some big news today too. Big news AND different coffee mug.

How much turkey bacon is too much?

And I love the point in the morning were I have to decide whether I'm going to crawl back into bed or go run ten miles.

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