Saturday, March 12, 2011

Super Sonic Gin and Tonic

Themes for the day:

See title.

Also: naps, work, more mexican food, and making to-do lists which, by the way,  was number one on my to-do list. A paradox of sorts, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Apparently the ants have just retreated, and I now see the folly in telling my plans to eradicate them. Their doom is near. So is my olfactory system and possibly the paint job in this apartment.

It's tough spending an entire week not-thinking. That's what I've been doing. Not contemplating the unraveling of plans that have been solidified in my mind for the past ten months, and questioning why I put so much stock, or faith, or assurance in said plans. I liked how this place felt like home, and I'm doing my best to hold on to that. So...In an unprecedented display, I will forgo the allusions and cryptic silliness that often takes hold of me when Picture of a Donkey Eating a Pineapple comes to mind, and just say what I've been saying. I did not get into grad school as I had planned, and now I'm not sure what to do about it. There, it's been said. Now, time to move on.Or at least vent about something new.

Originally this blog was to replace facebook as the one little means I had to connect to the virtual world. But, since I didn't bother telling too many people about it (read: none) I'm not sure it really connects with anything, other than me, perhaps. It's just words on a screen in yet another blog. For one reason or another, however, sometimes when no other words want to come out, or you've suddenly lost all confidence in those words, it's good to have something to type that has no criteria, no goals, (except to maybe crack a smile or roll some eyes now and then) and no reason for its existence. Thus.

Anyway. Gotta go work on my malaria defense.

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