Sunday, May 22, 2011

Random Studies on the Capital Principal of Capitol Principles

Twenty Seven Musings For the Day:

1. Musings can be the same as themes.They can also be titles and beginnings.
2. The theme of lists is amusing.
3. A muse can be a geometric shape.
4. Shapeless brownies don't exist. Or do they?
5. I know it's only logical that when the sun is out it's warmer, but that doesn't stop me from asking why it's not warm out.
6. The sun isn't that logical. I mean, when you think about it.
7. Thinking directly about the sun may cause something to burn out.
8. The sun will eventually burn out. I don't need a billboard to tell me that. It will happen.
9. Too much sun makes brownies melt into shapeless piles in my bag.
10. Don't leave brownies in your bag.
11. Some items on some numbered lists aren't musings or themes, but reflections and directions.
12. The formal you is "you."
13. "Thou" was the familiar, informal "you."
14. Thou shalt not make a list in attempt to be clever.
15. If thou shall try, thou shall probably fail.
16. Shit, there's like eleven more to go.
17. Okay, I tend to type faster when I have too much coffee.
18. "Too much coffee" usually means I have to pee.
19. Thou shalt not make rhymes with "pee."
20. Ray Lewis, who may or may not have killed someone, has warned the world that if there is no NFL season this year, there will be more crime. I'm not sure if that's a threat, but I suspect it is.
21. I don't know what Ray Lewis has against me.
22. Are they saying, "Boo?" or "Boo-urns"?
23.When one gets one's word count in for the day, things like lists tend to sprout.
24. Only need a few more.
25. Shit, look at that, only two more to go.
26. Okay, clearly these musing ran out of steam long ago.
27. A long time ago, once upon a time, in the beginning, it was a cold and stormy night. (See number one.)

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